Roza Wigeland

"Lubię kawę, słodycze, kapelusze i skandynawski design. "

Czysty umysł do dla mnie priorytet. Nie poświęcam czasu na rzeczy nieistotne. Nic nie muszę. Dużo mogę i chcę, a najbardziej chcę mieć dobre i wygodne życie. Mam prawo otaczać się przyjaznymi i życzliwymi ludźmi i nie waham się tego prawa używać. Z zamiłowaniem spędzam czas na rozmowach i poznawaniu ludzkich losów. Potrafię zadać trudne pytania, ale nie muszę znać na nie odpowiedzi.

Mam 52 lata. Cenię lojalność, zaangażowanie i umiar. Jestem radykalna i konsekwentna w swoich działaniach. Wiem co to znaczy wychodzić z nałogu, z depresji, z pod działania przemocy, pokonywać ciężką chorobę. Doświadczyłam biedy i niedostatku, braku miłości i akceptacji, lęku o życie własne i dziecka. Znam doskonale uczucia i emocje towarzyszące na życiowych zakrętach tak ostrych, że za nimi jawi się tylko przepaść. Nauczyłam się, że gdy życie rzuca przeszkody pod nogi, można te kłody wykorzystać układając schody do nieba i dosięgnąć gwiazd. Wiem doskonale, jak to jest układać puzzle życia tak, by powstał piękny obraz. Mogę tego nauczyć także Ciebie.

Od 11 lat żyję w szczęśliwym związku, mam dobre życie i nie ustaję w dążeniach by było jeszcze lepsze. Moje życiowe motto to: „Zwyciężca nigdy nie rezygnuje, rezygnujący nigdy nie zwycięża”. Dołącz do mnie na mojej stronie w komentarzach pod postami, kupując książki, na Facebooku lub Instagramie. Razem możemy zdziałać jeszcze więcej.

Author's books

Assemblage A-3


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.
The scene presents a park perfect for walks, meetings and rest.

Assemblage A-4


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

The scene presents a seashore with a cliff, lighthouse and boats floating on the water’s surface.

Assemblage A-5


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

The scene presents a sea view.

Assemblage A-6


It’s an ideal gift for cool newlyweds.

An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

Assemblage A-7


It’s an ideal gift for newlyweds.

An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

Assemblage B-1


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

The scene presents a couple walking through the alley of trees towards their home.

Assemblage B-2


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

The scene presents a romantic meeting under the light of the lantern.

Assemblage B-3


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

The scene presents an act of fishing.

Assemblage B-4


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

Winter landscape, which can decorate your home.

Assemblage C-1


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

This assemblage is an ideal gift for a bike rider or a man who wants to make his dream come true.

Assemblage C-2


An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

This assemblage is an ideal gift for a man interested in fishing.

Assemblage C-3


It is an ideal gift for newlyweds.

An artistic composition in the form of a three-dimensional picture. The assemblage is made from scraps, odds and ends. Painted, broken and worn-out items combined took a different shape and created a “scene behind the glass”.

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